Sign Up With CAC

This manual updated January 31, 2020


YRRP EventPLUS allows you to sign up for your account 2 different ways:

1.     Using your Common Access Card (CAC).

2.     Using an email address and password combination, in addition to Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).


To continue to ensure the utmost protection of your personal information, YRRP EventPLUS provides a login process to allow for use of your Common Access Card (CAC). This elevated security compliance helps protect our users and staff, and ensures we maintain our authority to operate.


This topic describes how to sign up for a YRRP EventPLUS account using a CAC.


Signing up for a YRRP EventPLUS Accounting With a CAC

To sign up for a YRRP EventPLUS account using your CAC:

1.     Hover over the STAFF tab at the top of the Yellow Ribbon Home Page, then click STAFF SIGN UP.

2.     Click the SIGN UP WITH CAC button to proceed to the next page, then click the CREATE ACCOUNT USING CAC button. Note, your CAC must stay inserted during the account creation process.

3.     Enter your First Name, Last Name and Email Address.

4.     Create a password using one of the following options:

5.     In the Additional Personal Information section, use the drop-downs to select the following details:

6.     Complete the Additional Personal Information section by entering your Zip Code and Business Phone Number.

7.     Acknowledge the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions using the applicable check boxes, then click CREATE ACCOUNT.


Note: All roles must be approved by leadership before you are granted access to YRRP EventPLUS. You will receive a notification once your role has been approved.