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Service Member and Family Readiness has been re-designated as Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Community Outreach.

Our role – As a component of YRRP, conduct outreach supporting YRRP as well as other outreach efforts beneficial to the Reserve Component (Reserve Family Readiness Awards program, Council on Accreditation program, etc.)

Our vision – Enhancing the readiness and resiliency of Reserve Component Service members and their families through advocacy, awareness and access to needed resources.


  • National Accreditation

    Background and Policy Requirements

    DoDI 1342.22 “Military Family Readiness” outlines Military Family Readiness (MFR) program requirements to implement quality assurance and monitoring measures through the use of national MFR standards.

    Community Outreach supports National Guard and RC pursuit of national accreditation through the use of the MFR standards. The accreditation process is a national, objective, independent, and reliable validation of a program’s performance that involves a formal review and evaluation of administrative, management, and service delivery functions against international standards of best practice by a national accrediting body.

    To assure quality, policy stipulates that programs must meet national standards developed by a national accrediting body not less than once every four years, while utilizing joint standards and uniform assessment tools to ensure that services are available, accessible, and achieve the intended impact.

    Check out who has received National Accreditation here (click military family readiness)

  • Professional Development & Training

    Background and Policy Requirements

    DoDI 1342.22 “Military Family Readiness” requires access to training for the RCs, establishment of requirements for family readiness Service provider training, coordination of joint-Service training programs based on research, and the analysis of results through program evaluation.

    Community Outreach monitors and assists to ensure family readiness Service provider training is applicable, available, and easily accessible to the RCs. Virtual learning initiatives are vital for the professional development of RC members and Service providers in geographically dispersed communities. Community Outreach is researching expanding training, education, and access to resources virtually to RC members and Service providers in geographically dispersed areas.

    Check out our Facebook posts to see the newest training that is available.

  • Outreach & Community Capacity Building

    Background and Policy Requirements

    Outreach and community capacity building provides strategies and forums for efficient and effective use of military and community resources. Community Outreach promotes interagency collaboration and Service coordination within and among Federal and non-Federal entities to identify and achieve common family readiness goals and improve communication among Service providers and with Service members and their families.

    Check out DoD Community Capacity Building Training

    Reserve Family Readiness Awards: To engage the community, each year Community Outreach hosts the annual Reserve Family Readiness Award to acknowledge the family support and volunteers that work to assist RC members and their families.

  • Psychological Health

    Psychological Health

    Community Outreach represents Reserve interests in working groups and committees to ensure RC challenges are considered and addressed in development of initiatives and programs, such as the DoD Psychological Health Council, suicide prevention and sexual assault prevention and response.

    Suicide Prevention

    Community Outreach identifies unique issues of the RCs and communicates with the Defense Suicide Prevention Office to bridge gaps and leverage lessons learned between the Active and Reserve Components. Community Outreach helps ensure RC Suicide Prevention Programs provide programming that is commensurate to that of the Active Component and compliant with section 10219 of Title 10, U.S.C.

    Check out the Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO) for more information.

    Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

    Reserve Integration responds to National Defense Authorization Act requirements impacting the RCs. To support this effort, Community Outreach supports Reserve Integration communication with the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) to ensure integration of the RCs in the SAPRO strategic plan as outlined in response to Congress. Initiatives include: Timely access to a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, eligibility for Line of Duty recall to Active Duty while maintaining privacy, and Special Victim Council representation for RC victims of sex-related offenses – to name a few.

    Check out Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) for more information.